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Krechur's Kontest

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Krechur's Kontest Empty Krechur's Kontest

Post  Invité Fri Jul 09 2010, 17:53

Krechur's Kontest Krechurkontest
Thanks ghostofillusion for the banner :mrgreen:
This is my first real contest :mrgreen: ...So please tell as many people as possible about this...I would really appreciate this.

**There will be prizes for different categories (all trophies will be for all templates), such as: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Honorable mention(s), Krechur's pick (really this is better than first), and possibly a few others

Ok so I have 3 different templates...each one has different rules so please be sure to read all the rules before making an entry.

***Just to clarify you must enter in all templates, you may have as many creations as you can make in the time period, and have fun

**To enter a creation make an entry then comment on the template that you used, otherwise I will not know If you've made an entry!! The due date is September 1st.

Please subscribe to the sporecast for the contest:

Anyways so here are the templates and each one's rules:

Ke'iott Template
Krechur's Kontest 500618667201_lrg

-Leave the tags

-You may not edit the spine in any way

-The tail can be modified as long as the connecting point (the joint that connects to the body) stays in the same place

-You may not edit the "head" or mouth, however you can change the eyes

-The limbs may be scaled, but don't make them to far out of proportion

-You may add parts anywhere

-adddna is allowed, freedom is not

-C&C is allowed, bot parts are not

-asymmetry is allowed, but don't do alot of posing

-outfitters are allowed but will be judged separately, so outfit one too!!

Pai'llea Template
Krechur's Kontest 500618787054_lrg

-Leave the tags

-You may not edit the spine in any way

-You may change the mouth if you would like (FYI the mouths are located around the back of the arms for animation purposes)

-You may not remove the eye, however you can add more eyes

-The limbs can be modified and moved except for the connecting point (the joint that connects the limb to the body). Please try to keep the proportions of the limbs

-You may add parts anywhere

-adddna is allowed, freedom is not

-C&C is allowed, bot parts are not

-asymmetry is allowed but don't do alot of posing

-Outfitting is allowed and all outfitted creations will be judged separately, so outfit one too!!

Swa'rrei Template
Krechur's Kontest 500618787066_lrg

-Leave the tags

-No editing of the spine or arms, you may edit the legs but try and keep the proportions

-You may change the mouth and eye

-The hands and feet may be changed

-You may add parts anywhere

-adddna is allowed, freedom is not

-C&C is allowed but bot parts are not

-Asymmetry is allowed but don't do alot of posing

-Outfitting again is allowed and will be judged separately, so outfit one too!!


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