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[Saved]Your favourite videogames

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[Saved]Your favourite videogames Empty [Saved]Your favourite videogames

Post  Invité Mon Jun 28 2010, 21:15

I' ve seen an space like this one in the french section so i've decided to create an english version

Post about your favourite games, talk about them and describe them if you wish !

Not including Spore in this obviously ^^...

Mainly a PC gamer (cause I don't have any console at the moment) though I do play some silly little games on my iphone sometimes too lol.

Favorite Games in no particular order:

Vampire Bloodlines: The Masquerade (despite the many bugs it was a great rpg), Morrowind (ideally I'd like to be able to play it with Oblivion's graphics/combat system ^^ Oblivion was alright too though :-) ), basically every Bioware game, Civilization series, the Total War series.

I'm sure there are others that I'm forgetting about and when someone mentions them I'll be like 'zomg i <3 that game!' hehe. :-D Great thread idea.
I like star wars battlefront !
My favourite game's The World Ends With You (DS). Seriously, if you haven't played it, buy it and cry at what you've been missing.

Oh, and I like Metroid games too!
Gotta love the MW2! XD (modern warfare 2),assassins creed II,and AVATAR(the game)
ha!... I must agree with illinifan about all of those games!
MW2: It's simply the best multiplayer ever created
Assassins Creed 2: Awesome story and one of the most realistic and inmersive experiences you can have.
Avatar: a bit short but it has great graphics and a very good fighting sistem!

To all of these games I must add my personal favourite: Final fantasy X for Ps2

Mytical...Awesomely legendary...

-It's story is beautiful Crying or Very sad and thrilling. You really end desiring you could be part of it.
-The graphics are from the ps2 best. Okay
-The moster and environmental design is superb Shocked (I usually inspire my creations on it)
-To finish it 100%... that is one heck of a difficult would require a lot of hours of playing... Rolling Eyes
-The combat sistem is normal and a bit slow but is really challenging
-It has a continuation! (that's rare when we talk about FF's)
-Having both the first and second part and finishing both....GREAT.
hmm.... my favorit games is left 4 dead 2 (pc) and final fantasy the crystal bearers (wii)
that is the games i play alot:)
yes Left 4 Dead 2 is very cool
My favorite game is Spore but then It's star wars battlefrond.
107sev you cna join my team if you want
lol,im bored so just go along with it XD okay ill stop now lol anyone wanna pm me cuz im really bored right now XD : that guy just plain looks funny =p
'm a platformer... so I'm a big fan of most Mario games. My favorite game right now is spore, though... I love all the variety of creatures one can create!
This week I'm replaying KOTOR. I've been really unmotivated to create in Spore lately, so I apologize for not making stuff.Hopefully I will catch the creative bug again soon!
what is KOTOR ?
O.O Bioware's game from many years back. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. I'm a big Bioware fangirl, so I'm more than willing to go through the minor hassle of getting the game to work with Vista. ^^...

I tend to replay the two KOTOR games about once a year or so. ^^
Don't know how KOTOR 1 is but I've REplayed KOTOR 2 a lot of times...Bioware really knows how to make games.
Aah yeah KOTOR2 actually wasn't even Bioware (O.o i know!) but I still loved it. The KOTOR universe is great. Also Visas = <3 ^^....
ufff....That's a jab to my jaw for my videogames knowledge, stupid me!
Lol naah not really. Like I said, I'm a fangirl. ^^ So much so that one of the last times I played I even colored my KOTOR2 jedi robes to look a certain way via mods. :-P ...and gave my toon a tattoo. O.o

(I'm one of those people that if I'm going to play a game like Oblivion it's going to take me almost as many hours to get all the mods set up as it will take me to actually play the game lmao)
I've played and modded a lot both Oblivion and another Bethesda title: Fallout 3. They are the most modable games I've played. (I had like 25 mods in Oblivion counting OscurosOblivionOverhaul and Mart'sMonsterMods and like 40 in Fallout 3 with Mart'sMutantMod)
Excellent :-D We have very similar videogame tastes I think, I love Fallout3. ^^ My favorite Fallout toon was my unarmed/Bigguns toon named Subaru lmao. ^^ she was a cutie and a total bada$$. ^^

My sentimental favorite Bethesda game is probably Morrowind though. I loved the setting so much.
oh so its a starwars game
Yes, though it has a D&D style combat system which might not be for everyone.
oh, i like that kind of games.
I´m also playing borderlands, i`ve just downloaded it, but it is hard xD
Ah, I have so many favorites. I'm an old-school PC geek & probably own every worthwhile PC game that came out between 1990 and 2002 or so. Probably my favorite game ever is "The Curse of Monkey Island" by LucasArts. More recently, I like Creative Assembly's "Total War" series. Obviously I play Spore a lot...
I don't have a favorite game, since there are so many great series out there. Metroid, Mario, Mega Man, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 1-6, Dragon Age: Origins, Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo...the list goes on and on !
mario games including mariocart, starwars galaxies (until they changed it), tetris, warhammer online, halflife and team fortress, quake series, bioshock and the civ series

these are my faves, i have enjoyed left for dead 2 but havent played it much

cheers flux
I like Spore, obviously......The Legend of Spyro Trilogy (ps2)..........Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings (ps2)......and well...that's it. I have a big yard and horses so I do more stuff outside then sitting at a computer .....unless its raining or snowy....NOW ITS SNOWY!!
ell I have a lot of fave games. I like RPG games the most. Heres a list for some of them.
Chocobo Tales and many more.

I like playing The World Ends With You, Professor Layton, The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks and Pokemon on the DS.
Hmm... my favorite game other than spore or pokemon would be Super smash bros Brawl.


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[Saved]Your favourite videogames Empty Re: [Saved]Your favourite videogames

Post  Invité Tue Jun 29 2010, 00:32

Battlefield bad company 2 by far. Teamwork based, a load of vehicles, and you can kill someone with a DRILL. Step aside MW2. Bad company is my personal favorite.

Modern warfare 2 Aside from screaming little kids, and the abuse of innocent game functions the game is downright amazing.

Left 4 dead 2 Has zombies, guns and household items can become death machines. Need I say more.

Portal has an awesome concept, really. Breaking the laws of physics, how awesome is that? Along with the ultra realistic source physics engine, and an insane computer who offers to give you cake. Portal, hands down.


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