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Silverwing00 introduction!

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Silverwing00 introduction! Empty Silverwing00 introduction!

Post  Invité Thu Jun 24 2010, 22:34

Hey everyone Silverwing00 introduction! 598136 ! I joined the ALC a little while ago, but I haven't introduced myself on the new forum yet!
A little bit about my creations; My style of creating generally consists of dragons, colorful creatures, fictional creatures, etc. I also try to make sure all of my creations have a story/description behind them. I haven't been online as much due to studying, finals, etc. But, now that its summer and I have more free time, I plan on creating more frequently!
I look forward to meeting everyone and becoming friends! Silverwing00 introduction! 598136


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Silverwing00 introduction! Empty Re: Silverwing00 introduction!

Post  Invité Thu Jun 24 2010, 22:56

Welcome en the new forum silverwing


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Silverwing00 introduction! Empty Re: Silverwing00 introduction!

Post  Invité Thu Jun 24 2010, 23:08

Welcome to the forum, looking forward to meeting you soon. Silverwing00 introduction! 870310


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Silverwing00 introduction! Empty Re: Silverwing00 introduction!

Post  Invité Fri Jun 25 2010, 00:09

Welcome to the ALC Silverwing00 introduction! 159136


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Silverwing00 introduction! Empty Re: Silverwing00 introduction!

Post  Invité Fri Jun 25 2010, 04:36

I wave back Silverwing00 introduction! 598136 and welcome to ALC


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Silverwing00 introduction! Empty Re: Silverwing00 introduction!

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