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Thestarwarsgeek, a rare species of north American

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Thestarwarsgeek, a rare species of north American Empty Thestarwarsgeek, a rare species of north American

Post  Invité Mon Jun 21 2010, 02:02

Why hello. Some of you know me at Thestarwarsgeek, but most of you don't. Anywho, If you need creatures with an Alien twist to it, or something like that. I will hopefully be able to help you. If not than half a cent (Or whatever currency you use) will be removed from your savings account.


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Thestarwarsgeek, a rare species of north American Empty Re: Thestarwarsgeek, a rare species of north American

Post  Invité Mon Jun 21 2010, 18:36

Hi TheStar, welcome on the New ALC Forum.

Oh, and I saved your RP.


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Thestarwarsgeek, a rare species of north American Empty Re: Thestarwarsgeek, a rare species of north American

Post  Creagenese Mon Jun 21 2010, 21:07

Welcome on the new forum Thestar Thestarwarsgeek, a rare species of north American 744984

Male Posts : 42
Join date : 2010-06-12
Location : France

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Thestarwarsgeek, a rare species of north American Empty Re: Thestarwarsgeek, a rare species of north American

Post  Invité Mon Jun 21 2010, 21:11

Welcome to the ALC expressway forum man.


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Thestarwarsgeek, a rare species of north American Empty Re: Thestarwarsgeek, a rare species of north American

Post  Invité Thu Jun 24 2010, 22:25

Welcome to the clan, hope you enjoy your stay.


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Thestarwarsgeek, a rare species of north American Empty Re: Thestarwarsgeek, a rare species of north American

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