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My flower creatures

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My flower creatures Empty My flower creatures

Post  Creagenese Tue Jun 15 2010, 21:32

this is my flower creatures My flower creatures 26684

Hope you like it My flower creatures 744984
My flower creatures 500509642704_lrg
My flower creatures 500497624904_lrg
My flower creatures 500502391745_lrg
My flower creatures 500495474853_lrg
My flower creatures 500494426001_lrg
My flower creatures 500492426598_lrg

My flower creatures 500492426518_lrg
My flower creatures 500490613860_lrg
My flower creatures 500490534288_lrg
My flower creatures 500488397909_lrg
My flower creatures 500487765889_lrg
My flower creatures 500486787471_lrg
My flower creatures 500487209505_lrg
My flower creatures 500486752507_lrg
My flower creatures 500486394374_lrg
My flower creatures 500486194170_lrg
My flower creatures 500485895174_lrg
My flower creatures 500485591081_lrg
My flower creatures 500485006021_lrg
My flower creatures 500484610728_lrg
My flower creatures 500484188040_lrg
My flower creatures 500483482214_lrg
My flower creatures 500483374312_lrg
My flower creatures 500482910302_lrg
My flower creatures 500482889814_lrg
My flower creatures 500482865701_lrg
My flower creatures 500482860643_lrg
My flower creatures 500482855172_lrg
My flower creatures 500482849303_lrg
My flower creatures 500482524135_lrg
My flower creatures 500482516037_lrg
My flower creatures 500482070312_lrg
My flower creatures 500481801173_lrg

Male Posts : 42
Join date : 2010-06-12
Location : France

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My flower creatures Empty Re: My flower creatures

Post  Invité Wed Jun 16 2010, 16:27

awesome creatures! very beautiful creations! My flower creatures 26684


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My flower creatures Empty Re: My flower creatures

Post  Invité Thu Jun 17 2010, 13:32

So many beautiful, amazing, absolutely mind blowing creations there! I love all of the diverse styles, and how many different part combinations you have used. Awesome work. My flower creatures 480137


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My flower creatures Empty Re: My flower creatures

Post  Invité Wed Jun 23 2010, 22:59

You have a great bit of variety amongst them.


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My flower creatures Empty Re: My flower creatures

Post  Invité Thu Jun 24 2010, 22:18

Very beautiful flower creations! I love the vibrant color choices and the unique detailing. My personal favorites are the 5th and 6th designs My flower creatures 26684 !


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My flower creatures Empty Re: My flower creatures

Post  Invité Fri Jun 25 2010, 04:40

amazing use of soo many of the parts.


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My flower creatures Empty Re: My flower creatures

Post  Invité Fri Jun 25 2010, 15:00

The best thing about these creatures is that they are all completely unique. Awesome work.


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My flower creatures Empty Re: My flower creatures

Post  Creagenese Mon Jun 28 2010, 11:51

thank you everyone My flower creatures 683387

New creations :

My flower creatures 500577902591_lrg

My flower creatures 500581427753_lrg

My flower creatures 500580775063_lrg

My flower creatures 500594052400_lrg

My flower creatures 500577908164_lrg

My flower creatures 500577891223_lrg

Male Posts : 42
Join date : 2010-06-12
Location : France

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My flower creatures Empty Re: My flower creatures

Post  Invité Mon Jun 28 2010, 16:36

WOW My flower creatures 576605


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My flower creatures Empty Re: My flower creatures

Post  Invité Mon Jun 28 2010, 17:58



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My flower creatures Empty Re: My flower creatures

Post  Creagenese Tue Jun 29 2010, 22:18

Just a new creation, in UBD style :
My flower creatures 500614220889_lrg

Male Posts : 42
Join date : 2010-06-12
Location : France

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My flower creatures Empty Re: My flower creatures

Post  Invité Wed Jun 30 2010, 17:30

The new flowers are even better. Awesome work.


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My flower creatures Empty Re: My flower creatures

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