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[By Antarticas]How to make real animals on spore easily

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[By Antarticas]How to make real animals on spore easily Empty [By Antarticas]How to make real animals on spore easily

Post  Creagenese Tue Jun 15 2010, 15:28

Writted By Anatarticas

This is a guide for those, who have problems with making real animals with spore.
It's really not easy, but I have some tipps, which can help you..

First take a picture of an animal (or more pictures- from different sites), for example this one:
[By Antarticas]How to make real animals on spore easily WOMBAT

Then change the spore-window to a small size, so you can see the picture at the same time you're making the creature.
For the texture, first search in your sporepedia for the animal you're making..sometimes other people made allready this creature and you can use their texture. If not, try at your own. Good luck!

This is my wombat:

[By Antarticas]How to make real animals on spore easily P2f4hayx

ps. don't be angry if you don't make a exact copy of the animal- it's spore, with limits [By Antarticas]How to make real animals on spore easily 480137

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Join date : 2010-06-12
Location : France

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