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Invisible limb contest.

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Invisible limb contest.  Empty Invisible limb contest.

Post  Invité Thu Jun 24 2010, 18:44

First of all, if you don't know how to make invisible limbs, just go to this video tutorial.

Now, with that out of the way you should have a basic grasp of using invisible limbs in your creations, if not more than that.

Anywho. I'm throwing an invisible limb contest, this might be a bad idea but this contest is TEMPLATE FREE. Go nuts with the body. I'm making it easier for you, and harder for myself.


1: Colors must be COMPLETELY Original (If you have your own color schemes that's okay. I'm talking stolen colors)
2: Creation can be in any editor, GA, civilization, tribal, so on.
3: Creation MUST consist of AT LEAST 1 invisible limb (Obviously)
4: No freedom mode, but addDNA can be used.
5: Contest ends at end of july, all submissions must go to this thread

Now to prizes. I'm using the completely original *Sarcasm* system. I will have most creepy, most colorful, overall best, and an award for participation

Winners will receive a trophy, can make me do one highly humiliating action on the forum, and of course. Bragging rights

If you participated, you get a trophy. Simple as that.

Now, if you had a great entry but I thought another one was just a little bit better I'll put you in the honorable mentions. You'll get a trophy. Some bragging rights, and you can make me change my avatar to something that would destroy all my self dignity.

Have fun creating. If anyone enters of course.


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Invisible limb contest.  Empty Re: Invisible limb contest.

Post  Invité Thu Jun 24 2010, 20:17

Ok. I'm interessed, I will participate. Invisible limb contest.  512220


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Invisible limb contest.  Empty Re: Invisible limb contest.

Post  Invité Thu Jun 24 2010, 21:48

I wish I could get on spore.
Doublepost included in this post by Lordyk

Hopefully I will be able to get on spore in time to enter. Looks like fun practice.

Last edited by Lordyk on Fri Jun 25 2010, 17:33; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : doublepost)


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Invisible limb contest.  Empty Re: Invisible limb contest.

Post  Invité Fri Jun 25 2010, 04:43

Ok so lemme get this templates and you have to use invisi-limbs...I'm in i'll post here when done


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Invisible limb contest.  Empty Re: Invisible limb contest.

Post  Invité Fri Jun 25 2010, 18:28

Invisible limb contest.  500611518601_lrg
Saaptes, the ALC Ghost Linwurm


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Invisible limb contest.  Empty Re: Invisible limb contest.

Post  Invité Sat Jul 10 2010, 18:46

I want to participate too.

Here's my entry:

Invisible limb contest.  500611921333_lrg



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