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Could we get more Smilies?

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Could we get more Smilies? Empty Could we get more Smilies?

Post  Invité Wed Jun 16 2010, 03:56

I think that we could use some more smilies in the chat box to convey more feelings


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Could we get more Smilies? Empty Re: Could we get more Smilies?

Post  Creagenese Wed Jun 16 2010, 08:07

Yes, it is possible.

Propose new smiley on this topic and I see if I can put them Could we get more Smilies? 480137

Male Posts : 42
Join date : 2010-06-12
Location : France

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Could we get more Smilies? Empty Reply

Post  Invité Thu Jun 17 2010, 02:33

Umm...Just some more that will convey more the moment I can't think of any...i've had one of those days.


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Could we get more Smilies? Empty Re: Could we get more Smilies?

Post  Invité Sat Jun 19 2010, 22:41

If you want, I have many smiles that I can upload them in my personnal gallery.


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Could we get more Smilies? Empty Re: Could we get more Smilies?

Post  Invité Tue Jun 22 2010, 01:10

Sure that would be awesome Could we get more Smilies? 159136


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Could we get more Smilies? Empty Re: Could we get more Smilies?

Post  Invité Thu Jul 01 2010, 15:41

Yes. It would be awesome to have a "Ragequit" Smiley Could we get more Smilies? 159136


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